










[1] 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,《基于增益介质相位被动调制的放大器光束质量改善方法研究》(62105179),2022.1 -2024.1230万元,主持。

[2] 浙江省自然科学基金联合基金项目,《基于液体直接冷却的高功率薄片激光器研究》(LZY21F050001),2021.1 -2023.1210万元,主持。

[3] 浙江省基础公益研究计划项目,《紧凑型高功率高光束质量固体激光器关键技术与装置研发》(LGG20F050001),2020.1 -2022.1210万元,主持。


  [1] Zhibin Ye, Xiaoran Li, Shu Jiang, Fei Wu, Meng Huang, Hanmin Hu, Yunxuan Qi, Bin Liu and Hengfeng Yan. 20 W, 15 ns High-repetition-rate and high-beam-quality MOPA laser by spherical aberration self-compensation at 1342 nm[J]. Applied Physics B, 2024, 130(7): 132.

 [2] Zhibin Ye, Xiaolong Zhou, Shu Jiang, Meng Huang, Fei Wu, and Dongge Lei. Immersed liquid cooling Nd: YAG slab laser oscillator[J]. Chinese Optics Letters, 2023, 21(8): 081401.

 [3] Zhibin Ye, Pinghui Wu, Hailun Wang, Shu Jiang, Meng Huang, Dongge Lei, and Fei Wu. Multimode tunable terahertz absorber based on a quarter graphene disk structure[J]. Results in Physics, 2023, 48: 106420.

 [4]叶志斌,江舒,王海伦,吴飞,邓小雷,王建晓. 直接液体冷却薄片激光器中抽运光均匀性对光束波前畸变的影响[J]. 物理学报2022,71(05):146-156.

 [5] Zhibin Ye, Shu Jiang, Fei Wu, and Xiaolei Deng, 4 J unstable cavity direct-liquid-cooled disk laser[J]. Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 2021, 38(4):1135-1139.

 [6] Zhibin Ye, Jile Huge, Xiaolei Deng, Shu Jiang, Fei Wu, Jianwen Fang, and Pinghui Wu, 13 J direct-liquid-cooled solid-state disk laser with an unstable cavity[J]. Applied Optics, 2020, 59(10):3119-3123.

 [7] 叶志斌,涂波,王柯,尚建力,于益,邓小雷. 直接液体冷却薄片激光器设计[J]. 中国激光, 2018, 45(1): 0101012.

 [8] Zhibin Ye, Chong Liu, Bo Tu, Ke Wang, Qingsong Gao, Chun Tang, and Zhen Cai, Kilowatt-level direct-‘refractive index matching liquid’-cooled Nd:YLF thin disk laser resonator[J]. Optics Express, 2016, 24(2): 1758-1772.

 [9] Zhibin Ye, Zhigang Zhao, Sunqiang Pan, Xiang Zhang, Chunhua Wang, Yunxuan Qi, Chong Liu, Zhen Xiang, and Jianhong Ge, Beam profile evolution and beam quality changes inside a diode-end-pumped laser oscillator[J]. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 2014, 50(2): 62-67.

[10] Zhibin Ye, Yi Wang, Zhigang Zhao, Chong Liu, and Zhen Xiang, Method to improve beam quality by compensating spherical aberrations in master oscillator power amplifier laser systems [J]. Applied optics, 2014, 53(33): 7963-7967.

